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I Just Found A Reason To Have Discipline.
I just found out that discipline is related to self respect, self-esteem and self confidence. I was so shocked to discover this. I don’t know why. But I was.
Some days, I have really good mornings when I wake up before it’s time to go out the door, two or three hours later. Those days that I got up on time and I did my morning rituals, I felt good, at the top of my game, even.
I thought it was obedience to God that was making me feel good and feel at the top of my game or at least close to being at the top of my game. I had no idea that behind that obedience was discipline that was causing me to be able to respect myself and to feel good that day.
I’m currently listening to Brian Tracy’s audiobook, called No Excuses!: the power of self-discipline. Brian Tracy is the one that opened my eyes to discipline being the key to having good self esteem.
Here is a quote from page 34 of Brian Tracy’s book:
“Everyone wants to be successful. Everyone wants to be healthy, happy, thin, and rich. But most people are not willing to pay the price. Occasionally, they may be willing to pay part of the price, but they are not willing to pay the whole price. They always hold back. They always have some excuse or rationalization for not disciplining themselves to do everything that they need to do to achieve their goals.”
I have struggled with keeping my word to myself throughout the week and months prior. I’m aware of it. I know that I need to fix it. But what to do was a mystery to me. I thought I could self-will myself into keeping my word to myself more regularly.
Do you struggle with keeping your word to yourself?
I recently learned, too, that what I do or don’t do in an area of my life or business affects another area. So I am challenged and convicted to work on self discipline. To work on discipline, in general. To raise my self-esteem and self-respect through discipline is important.
What a concept! I had no idea that discipline was related to self-esteem, self respect and even self-confidence. I’m interested in hearing what else Brian Tracy has to say on his CDs because I am just on the first audiobook CD when I became aware of this concept.
This is going to revolutionize my life.
Break’s Over!!!
It’s truth! And one thing I always say is to be on the side of Truth. This gives me motivation to be more discipline because I want better self esteem, more self respect and higher self confidence with the help of the LORD, of course. All good gifts do come from the LORD! (James 1:17)
Read the following excerpts from just one webpage on Discipline and Self Confidence.
“There is a close relationship between low self-confidence and lack of discipline. …the importance of following through on your commitments… Whenever you don’t, your self-confidence suffers.
There are reasons people don’t follow through on their commitments but most people avoid even thinking about these reasons. The same pattern of behavior continues and the self-confidence continues to go down.
If we really want to know why we fail to keep commitments, we need to look closely at our behavior.
When we fail to keep our promises, we find reasons to justify our slack behavior. We believe these excuses. But these are not the real reasons we fail to deliver.
The truth is we could keep nearly all of our commitments if we were willing. But we just do not want to pay the price required to fulfill our promises.
Most likely the price involves significant self-discipline. Most people want self-confidence without the discipline.
Most motivational speakers tell us that self-confidence is all about self-belief. They are right. Overcoming low self-confidence is about positive self-belief.
They imply that our behavior doesn’t matter. Say and think positively, they suggest, and we will painlessly go from low self-confidence to being self-confident.
Affirmations are fine but for them to work, we need to follow up the affirmations with action that completely reflects those affirmations. That takes self-discipline.” Read the rest of article by clicking below.
Here is another article from the internet: I googled self discipline and self-confidence:
“The Relationship Between Self Discipline and Self Esteem
There is a direct relationship between self-discipline and self esteem.
The more you practice self-mastery and self-control the more you like and value your self. The more you discipline yourself the greater is your sense of self-respect and personal pride.
The more you practice self-discipline the better your self-image. You see yourself and think about yourself in a more positive way. You feel happier and more powerful as a person.
Napoleon Hill said that, “Self-discipline is the master key to riches.”
Let’s look at the definition of Discipline—
Training that corrects, molds, or perfects.
Control gained by enforcing obedience or order; orderly pattern of behavior; self-control.
No wonder we avoid discipline……we don’t have to do anything we don’t want to.
Right? Say yes…………..
What is discipline?
Doing the things you don’t want to do.
Doing something that needs to be done whether you want to or not.
It means you have to set things to do daily and you actually have to do them!
Someone who sticks with it and keeps going for it regardless of what obstacles lie before them.
Be stubborn!
Keep your goals in front of you. Review them and update them.
Box yourself in. Take away your choices. We have too many choices!
Start small.”
Read the article in full here:
I hope this article was helpful to you. Feel free to pass it on and check out more of Brian Tracy’s books. This one was fascinating to me, quite helpful and even painful to listen to parts of it. I am a work in progress. Are you?
My name is Nek’ka Migel and it has been quite enlightening for me to write this article for my betterment. I hope you get some takeaways that you can use.
Sincerely and
in Christ Name,